Full steam ahead this weekend with lots of painting, cutting and assembling as we get ready for the MamaMagic Baby Expo which has already taught us a few things:
Lists…lists and more lists
When you have more things to do than you can count, lists become your best friend. The thrill and sense of accomplishment you get as you run up and down the aisle of builders warehouse, frantically ticking off items on your list.
Lipstick helps
With two highly inexperienced ladies trying to navigate the aisles of Masonite and Pine wood, a little lipstick never hurt to get some help from someone who knows and maybe some wood cut to the size we need for free 🙂
Toddlers and Paint = a bit of a messy situation
When two little girls hear that painting is needed there isn’t much you can say or do to keep them away from getting involved in all the fun (we are grateful that water based paint washes out of hair and clothes).
Still lots to do but we hope you are looking forward to joining us at the MamaMagic Baby Expo as much as we are. Don’t forget to get your tickets from Computicket.